Giving Tuesday
Connection is Critical.
Babies Can’t Wait. People Need People.
CONNECTION IS A BASIC HUMAN NEED. During this time of COVID-19, Holly Ridge Center pivoted to a remote service and tele-intervention model and currently supports over 400 children and families per month and 60 adult clients with differing abilities.
Early Intervention Services are most effective during the finite Birth to Three developmental window. We must continue to equip families, therapists, and educators with the necessary technology and supports to connect with each other during this critical period. Adults with differing abilities served by Holly Ridge Center are experiencing isolation and need connection to their employment consultants to continue to build skills and continue on their individual employment pathway.
Funds raised will be utilized to support technology and training needs related to remote service delivery for providers and clients such as: iPads for families, HIPAA compliant headsets, Zoom licenses for service delivery, interactive website improvements, laptops, tablets, and more. As COVID-19 restrictions persist, technology needs grow. With your help, we are able to effectively and efficiently connect with those who need it most.
3 Way to Get Involved
1 – Make a gift of $25. Your gift helps support access for our families to connect to tele-intervention services.
2 – Follow us on Facebook and share our posts.
3 – Post an unselfie telling your friends why you support Holly Ridge Center (An unselfie is just like a selfie, but with a generous twist. Take a photo of yourself holding a sign that tells your followers who you’re supporting for #GivingTuesday and why.) Don’t forget to tag Holly Ridge Center in your post.