Meeting Employment Goals during a pandemic
Naomi joined our Holly Ridge Center Adult Employment Services Program in the Fall of 2020. As an individual beginning job development services in the School To Work transition program, Naomi and her Employment Consultant faced unique circumstances due to the pandemic. Typically, Holly Ridge Center consultants would partner in person with individuals in the transition program and their school care team. Naomi had started her school year virtually, meeting via video chat in an environment where both the educators and the students were not only learning how to navigate the education system but vocational services as well.
Part of the services that Holly Ridge Center provides is Community Based Assessments. During the pandemic, no one thought we would be able to utilize that tool, but Henery Hardware opened their doors for an assessment, which helped Naomi provide valuable information to her Employment Consultant: how many hours Naomi wanted to work, what types of tasks she enjoyed or did not, if she preferred to work independently or with others, were just a few of the many tidbits of information Naomi was able to share during the assessment.
After her Community Based Assessment, her Employment Consultant could see exactly where Naomi’s skills could be utilized at Henery Hardware, and she worked with them in carving a position. This meant taking tasks that could be done more efficiently or were not being done at all, for various reasons, and creating a whole new position! Henery Hardware was thrilled to hire Naomi as part of the team and excited to get more work done- which bettered their business twofold!
She plays an instrumental role in keeping the store stocked and clean. She is responsible for stocking many different items like household, office, birdseed, etc., and for cleaning and dusting the store.
Pete from Henery Hardware shared that Naomi is always on time, very organized, works hard and that everyone enjoys working with her. He said, “one thing I really like about Naomi is that she has a great attitude.”
We are so proud of Naomi. She has learned many new skills, has a new sense of independence, and is proud to be working in her community. Her hard work ethic and positive attitude have been instrumental in finding her a position in the community that she loves, is flourishing in, and adding value to a business!